Author Archives: Jennifer

Detox Your Body Helpful Tips

Do you want to cleanse or detox your body? If so, please continue reading on for some important and helpful tips. There is a difference between a colon cleanse and a whole body cleanse or detox. The results are similar, but they are achieved in different ways. In most cases, you will start to see…

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Detox Foot Pads Do They Work

Do you pay attention to television commercials or occasionally watch late night infomercials? If so, you may have heard of detox food pads. The manufacturers and sellers of detox foot patches claim they can improve your health, but do they really work? It all depends. Before further focusing on detox foot patches and their success,…

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5 Common Detox Side Effects

Do you suffer from fatigue, skin problems, or do you just feel unhealthy? If so, you may have heard that a body detox or cleanse is the answer to your problems. Yes, it can be. However, before you get started, it is important to familiarize yourself with the possible side effects. In terms of side…

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5 Ways to Detox Your Body

Do you feel tired, sluggish, or just plain unhealthy? If so, the answer to your problems may lay in a body detox, also commonly known as a body cleanse. With a cleanse, you allow your body to expel the potentially harmful toxins it has accumulated throughout the years. The end result should be an improvement…

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5 Reasons to Detox Your Body

In recent years, a lot of attention has been brought to body detoxification, also known as cleansing. In fact, the topic is so popular that you may have heard of it before. While some individuals may jump right on the detox bandwagon, you may be looking for more information. For example, what reasons call for…

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